2-Component Anti-Slip Paint White

Two-component, hand-applied, two-component cold plastic, white with anti-slip, for horizontal signage. High performance, non-slip. Special for painting zebra crossings, arrows, drawings, highlights…

Easy application.
High hardness and flexibility.
Fast drying, without leaving “tac” on the surface.
Resistant to alkalis as the film is unsaponifiable.
High resistance to abrasion.
Perfect anchorage on the substrate.
Perfect behaviour against chemical and atmospheric agents.
High performance.
Due to its formulation this paint is considered rough, with a value of SRT 65.
Paint with excellent adhesion on bituminous and repainted pavements.
Recommended for painting on concrete pavements as it is unsaponifiable.

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We have special discounts for public administrations.

¿Necesita más información?

Si no localiza lo que busca, precisa una oferta concreta, o tiene alguna duda contacte con nosotros sin compromiso, estaremos encantados de atenderles.

Contamos con descuentos especiales para administraciones públicas.

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